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News in English
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Faraway Words
Natasa Vissarionos

Onward We Sail…!

The Ship’s Log | 5 August 2024

From veteran radio operator Vangelis Markropoulos from Syros, who has countless sea tales and experiences, we received the following text. We thank him greatly and send our regards to the seafaring and cosmopolitan island of Syros!

“Onward We Sail”

After my stint on the Fortunes, which I didn’t take a shine to (except for their radio, of course), I sought to sign on to more stalwart vessels, the ‘general cargo ships.’

My wish came true, and soon I was on board a Chian motor ship, the Island Skipper, a top-notch and solid vessel. With her, I embarked on numerous memorable voyages, circumnavigating the globe and making port in countries I’d never seen before.

For radio gear, she boasted a Marconi 400w transmitter (was it a Crusader?!) and an Atalanta receiver. Sadly, I don’t have a snapshot of the radio shack. We sailed together for 13 months.

The next general cargo ship I served on was equally fine and seaworthy, the Hellenic Sun of Hellenic Lines. She was a commendable liner with top-notch accommodations and a radio outfitted with the renowned SAIT 1200W console.

Unfortunately, a health issue forced me to return to Greece after a voyage from Africa to the Gulf of Mexico to New York. After these two ships, I sailed for another 14 years with a different shipping company, which I will recount soon.

– Vangelis Markropoulos


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