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“Our Town” makes a tribute to Pavlos Sidiropoulos | 02 Mar. 2025, 12:00

On Sunday, March 2nd, from 12:00-14:00 Athens time, the show “Our Town” will dedicate a tribute to Pavlos Sidiropoulos. The program will attempt to “shed light” on the most unique and lesser-known stories about the journey of this exceptional artist, who was loved by the youth both for his music and for his way of life.

The program will feature his sister, Melina Sidiropoulou, who will talk about unknown aspects of his life, his views on Politics, Religion, Aesthetics, Friendship, his love for the Greek language, his admiration for Elytis and the beatniks, as well as the Ancient Greek philosophers.

Musicians who played with him will also speak on the show, including Kyriakos Darivas from “Aprosarmos” and Vasilis Spyropoulos from “Spyridoula”. Composer Dimitris Karas will talk about how he set Pavlos’ lyrics to music, and songs by him will be played, performed by various singers (Vitali, Katsimichas, etc.).

Director Andreas Zafeiris, who staged the musical theater performance about Pavlos Sidiropoulos “The Unknown Prince”, will also be featured. Actor and singer of the performance, Andreas Papakonstantinou, will perform live in the studio two songs by Sidiropoulos with his guitar.

The words of Dimitris Poulikakos about his beloved friend will be heard, and references will be made to the places where Pavlos played (Kyttaro, Rodeo, An Club). Finally, there will be mentions of the cities he loved, his walks, and his neighborhoods.

Editing – Presentation: Themis Rodamitis

Broadcast: Sunday, March 2, 2025, 12:00-15:00 Athens time
Repeat: Monday, March 3, 2025, 05:00-07:00


Tzeni Oikonomidi visits “Our Town” | 01 Mar. 2025, 12:00
On Saturday, March 1st, from 12:00 to 13:00 (Athens time), the show "Our Town" will host Tzeni Oikonomidi. The recently awarded author, honored with the "Menis Koumandareas" Award by the Hellenic Authors Society, will discuss her debut book, "Drought and Other Stories", from which she will read excerpts....
Costa-Gavras visits “Our Town” | 24 Feb. 2025, 22:00
On Monday, February 24th, at 10:00 PM (Athens time), the show "Our Town" on Voice of Greece will feature Costas-Gavras. The award-winning and renowned director will have an in-depth conversation with Themis Rodamitis about his latest film, The Last Breath. He will discuss the theme that "leaving...
Nena Menti Joins “Our Town” | 17 Feb. 2025, 22:00
On Monday, February 17, 2025, at 22:00 Athens time, the show Our Town will host Nena Menti. The charismatic and beloved actress will talk about her childhood, her family, and the home where many significant figures of the arts, such as Ritsos, Alexandrou, Vrettakos, and Theodorakis, would gather...
Vasilis Skoulas visits “Our Town” | 16 Feb. 2025, 12:00
On Sunday, February 16, 2025, from 12:00 to 14:00 Athens time, the show Our Town will host Vasilis Skoulas. The renowned lyra player and singer of the Cretan tradition, joining us in the studio, will talk about his family roots, which played a significant role in his musical journey. He will share...