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Photographer/journalist Antigone Solomonidou-Drousiotou visits ”Our Town” | 16.12.2023, 12:00

On Saturday, December 16, at 12:00-13:00 Greece local time (with a rerun on Sunday, December 17, at 01:00-02:00), the show “Our Town” is joined by Antigoni Solomonidou-Drousiotou.

The significant photographer and journalist talks about her first steps in photography next to the world-renowned photographer Georges Rodger, as well as about her important studies in international institutions and the paths that opened up for her in the world.

She talks about her many solo exhibitions in Cyprus and abroad, the milestones of her career in the European Commission, the European Council, the United Nations, the US Capitol.

In an interesting conversation in the studio with Themis Rodamitis, reference is made to her many awards of international acclaim, her interviews with leading personalities of Cyprus and Greece, as well as her friendships with everyday people.

Our guest talks about her latest photo album “Days of Confinement”, for which she received critical acclaim, and which concerns occupied Famagusta that is a source of heartache for her, but is also inspiring for her in a way.

The Cypriot artist is a fighting citizen with a multifaceted personality, who honors her homeland through journalism and art.


Yiannis Kiourtsakis visits “Our Town” | 23 Nov. 2024, 12:00
On Saturday, November 23, from 12:00 to 13:00 (Athens time), the show Our Town will host Yiannis Kiourtsakis.The award-winning author will discuss his significant body of work, focusing on his books Like a Novel, The Quest for Humanity, and Seferis and Camus, from which he will also read selected excerpts. Kiourtsakis...
Christina Soulele visits “Our Town” | 11 Nov. 2024, 19:00
Τη Δευτέρα, 11 Νοεμβρίου, 19:00-20:00 ώρα Ελλάδας (και σε επανάληψη την Τρίτη, 12 Νοεμβρίου και ώρα 04:00-05:00), η εκπομπή θα φιλοξενήσει τη Χριστίνα Σουλελέ. Η ταλαντούχα συγγραφέας θα μιλήσει για το βιβλίο της «Από τις στάχτες της Καντανού». Πρόκειται για ένα μυθιστόρημα που εμπνέεται και αναφέρεται στη...