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ON AIR 06:00 - 08:00
Thomas Sideris
NEXT 08:00 - 08:05
I Will Sing You Seven Songs
Gianna Triantafylli

Stelios Chourmouziadis is “Poet of the Week” on Voice of Greece | 25 Nov. – 01 Dec. 2024

Voice of Greece continues its mission to promote and celebrate the Greek language and culture by reinstating its poetry segments titled “Poet of the Week”.

Each week highlights a contemporary Greek poet or poetess, including poets of the Greek Diaspora. The featured poets curate their own recitations, complemented by original music composed and performed in the studio by musicians from the ERT Orchestra, as well as select pieces by beloved composers.

Seven poems each week—one Greek poem per day—are broadcast across the frequences of Voice of Greece, reaching Greek voices around the world.

The week from November 25 to December 1, 2024, is dedicated to poet Stelios Chourmouziadis.

Born in Athens in 1973, Chourmouziadis has roots in Asia Minor and Egypt. He studied Law in Athens and Lyon, as well as Italian Language and Literature in Thessaloniki. He holds a PhD in Translation Studies, specializing in the history of translation (KU Leuven), and is a visiting scholar at the University of Bologna.

Chourmouziadis also studied classical piano and music at the Hellenic Conservatory of Athens. A diplomat by profession, he has served in Berlin, Brussels, São Paulo, and, since 2022, in Tokyo. He writes prose and poetry, occasionally in the foreign languages he speaks, and translates literature from English, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. His books are published by Greek publishing houses, and his poems have been translated into Spanish and Portuguese.

His works include the poetry collection “Berlin-Brussels” (2017) and his latest collection, “The State of Bodies,” both published by Perispomeni Editions, along with his translation of Boccaccio’s Decameron: Women’s Tales—Twenty Stories released this year.

Music Curation: Maria Reboutsika
Sound Editing: Eleftheria Papoutsaki
Broadcast Times: Monday to Friday at 07:00 and 19:00 Athens time; Saturday and Sunday at 19:00 Athens time