Ilias Fragkakis was born in Athens. He studied sociology, political science, music and directing in Greece and abroad.
He has mainly directed theater productions (at the Greek National Theater, some Municipal and Regional Theaters and independent theaters), but also documentaries, short films...
Spyros Katsimis was born in Corfu in 1933. He studied law at the University of Athens and worked as a journalist for Athenian newspapers, magazines, and the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation, ERT.
He has published fifteen books of poetry, two short story collections, and a compilation of interviews....
Anastasis Vistonitis was born in Komotini in 1952. Since 1970 he has published twelve books of poetry, six prose books, five volumes of essays and a book of translations of Chinese poet Li He.
He has published numerous articles, essays, travel texts and critical reviews. Since 1991, he has been...
Nasos Vagenas is one of the most important representatives of poetry of the Generation of the 1970s, an essayist, critic, translator and academic.
He was born in Drama, Greece in 1945. He studied literature at the School of Philosophy of the University of Athens (1963-1968), at the Universities...
Ο Παναγιώτης Αρβανίτης γεννήθηκε το 1985 στον Πύργο Ηλείας.
Σπούδασε ελληνική φιλολογία και πολιτικές επιστήμες στο Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών. Είναι υποψήφιος διδάκτωρ στο τμήμα Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών του Ελεύθερου Πανεπιστημίου του Βερολίνου. Ποιήματα και δοκίμιά του έχουν δημοσιευτεί σε ...
Giannis Antiochou is a poet and translator. He was born in Athens in 1969. He grew up and now lives in Piraeus. He holds an MBA and MSc from the School of Medicine of the University of Athens, specializing in Intensive Care Units. He works as a specialist consultant in the field of Hospital accreditation...
Anteia Phrantze was born in Athens in 1945. She studied History and Archaeology at the University of Athens. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Sorbonne University and holds a Ph.D. in Modern Greek Literature (1982). She taught Modern Greek Literature at the Department of Literature...
Anna Griva was born in Athens in 1985.
She studied Greek Literature in Athens and History of Literature in Rome. She has published four poetry collections, while her new book "Demonioi" is expected by the end of the year from Melani publications. Her poems and prose have been translated into English,...
Nikos Alexiou was born in Volos, Greece in 1959.
He studied Economics in Athens and worked in various professions. In the mid-1980s, he moved to New York to study Sociology. Since 1990 he has been teaching at Queens College, State University of New York (CUNY). He has received the President's...
Stamatis Polenakis was born in Athens in 1970.
He studied film directing in Athens and attended courses in Spanish literature and culture at the Complutense University in Madrid. He has published six poetry collections. His poems have been translated into English, French, German, Spanish, Italian,...
Ilias Gris comes from the town of Krestena in Greece.
He studied Economics and, since 1975, he has practiced journalism in various media, mainly at the ERT television channels.
He debuted in 1977 with his first collection and has since published seven collections of poetry, three books of prose,...
Ο Σταύρος Σταμπόγλης γεννήθηκε το 1946 στην Αθήνα. Φοίτησε στο ΙΓ΄ Γυμνάσιο Αθηνών.
Είναι πτυχιούχος της τεχνικής σχολής Δοξιάδη1966 και Αρχιτέκτων DESA 1977, (Ειδική Αρχιτεκτονική Σχολή Παρισιού).
Είναι μέλος του συλλόγου αρχιτεκτόνων ΣΑΔΑΣ, και ομότιμο μέλος του ΤΕΕ. Δημοσίευσε ποίηση για πρώτη φορά το 2007 με τ...
Zefi Daraki was born in Athens, where she still resides. Poet Vyron Leontaris was her life partner. Her son is the director Giannis Leontaris. Her works include: "Blockage", "Garden of Burns", "Eclipse", "The Wind and the Clocks", "Midnight Wolf", "Indefinite Events", "The Hanging Woman", "The...
Zacharias Sokos studied International and European Economic Studies at the Athens University of Economics and Business (ASOEE), as well as directing.
He worked as a journalist at ERT, in newspapers and magazines. He has served as director of Hellenes Abroad and satellite television at ERT and...
Stratis Paschalis was born in Athens. He studied Political Science and Public Law at the Athens School of Law. He has published ten collections of poetry (the most recent ones being Epochi Paradeisou, 2008, and Ta eikonismata, 2013), a volume of essays (Poiisi se mikropsichous kairous, 2017), a...
Eftychia - Alexandra Loukidou was born in Munich. She comes from Istanbul and lives in Thessaloniki, where she studied at the School of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She teaches Creative Writing in Thessaloniki and Cyprus.
Along with poetry, she is involved in essay...
Titos Patrikios is a poet, prose writer, and translator. He took part in the Greek Resistance against the Axis occupation, first with the United Panhellenic Organization of Youth (EPON) and then with the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS). In 1944, he was sentenced to death by collaborators...
zacharias Sokos studied International and European Economic Studies at the Athens University of Economics and Business (ASOEE), as well as directing.
He worked as a journalist at ERT, in newspapers and magazines. He has served as director of Hellenes Abroad and satellite television at ERT and...
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