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NEXT 20:00 - 21:00
Fair Winds And Following Seas
Antonis Karagiannakis
Marianna Christofi about the new Cavafy Archive space | 11 Jan. 2024
The show "Imprint" with Fuli Zavitsanou meets Marianna Christofi, Communication and Activities Coordinator of the Cavafy Archive, on the occasion of the opening of the new home for the great Greek poet’s work, C. P. Cavafy, in Plaka.Our guest gives us a radio tour of the exhibits and spaces of t...
‘Say goodbye to Stuttgart’ | 11.01.2024
In the late 1950s, after his military service in Cyprus, Pantelis takes a plywood suitcase and travels as a tourist to Stuttgart, Germany. He immediately takes a job at the Bosch factory, has some flings, but he also meets Katerina. Katerina is one of the hundreds of Greek immigrants who flooded Stuttgart...
A festival of lights on ‘Our Town” | 06.01.2024
On this episode, the show "Our Town" with Themis Rodamitis, travels on land and sea, to get to know customs, carols and songs of the great celebration of Epiphany. In this special and "bright" show, the following talked about the traditional celebration of the Epiphany in their home towns: Gerasimos...
To Read them Poems: Alexis Hatzigiannis on “Imprint” | 04 Jan. 2024
On Thursday, January 4th, 2024, the show "Imprint" with Fuli Zavitsanou, meets filmmaker Alexis Hatzigiannis. At the heart of this radio meeting is the award-winning short film "To Read them Poems" based on the homonymous short story by Giorgos Skabardonis, currently showing on ERTFLIX.
Our Town celebrates New Years’ Day 2024! | 01.01.2024
Themis Rodamitis presents a program with short narratives and texts in a festive atmosphere. At the same time, we listen to Greek and foreign songs performed by important performers. The poet TITOS PATRIKIOS, the actor KOSTAS KASTANAS, the storyteller LILI LAMBRELI and the writer NIKOS DAVVETAS participate...
Heliotrope with Giannis Papoutsakis | 01.01.2024
Two hours full of New Year's customs and wishes from favorite artists, this is the New Year's "Heliotrope " by Giannis Papoutsakis. With songs interpretations by: Kazantzidis, Dalaras, Frangouli, Thalassinou, Samiou, Androulaki, Voutsela, Marian Georgiou but also Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong, Mahalia...
Journeys Basking in Greek Light tribute to Stavros Kougioumtzis | 31.12.2023
On December 31st, 2023, “Journeys Basking in Greek Light'' was dedicated to the great and modest creator Stavros Kougioumtzis. A journey through his life, his views and of course his songs, with the voices of Dalaras, Kalogiannis, Alexiou, Kalatzis, Parios, Poulopoulos, Arvanitaki, Kouroukli and Vi...
“Our Town” tribute to “DIAZOMA” | 30.12.2023
On Saturday, December 30th, at 12:00-13:00, the show "Our Town" made tribute to "DIAZOMA". The founder and president of Diazoma, Stavros Benos, spoke about the pioneering organization for the restoration and promotion of monuments and ancient theatres. The former Minister of Culture refered to...
“Little Girl of the Sea”: ‘Hionadites’ painters from Epirus | 29.12.2023
  ΛΙΣΤΑ  ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗΣ:1) Αμάραντος (Ο κουρασμένος ταξειδευτής) - Λάκης Χαλκιάς, 2)  Ζωγραφιές ηράκλειες - Μαρία Δημητριάδη & Χορωδία,3) Nymphs and  wolves - Μαρία Παπαρδάκη,4) Το χρώμα - Κώστας Τηλαβερίδης, 5) Βγήκα  ψηλά και πλάγια - Ελένη Βι...
Journeys Basking in Greek Light with Giannis Papoutsakis | 26.12.2023
The first part of Giannis Papoutsakis' show "Journeys Basking in Greek Light" on the second day of Christmas was dedicated to Giannis Dalianidis musicals. In the second part, the Cypriot poet Andreas Timotheou referred to his poetry collection "Garments of suffering" that he wrote for the 100th anniversary...
Author Nikos Michailidis on ”Our Town” | 25.12.2023
Nikos Michailidis reveals bits of information from the history of hundreds of volunteers from Istanbul in WWII, and talks about the monument erected in their honor in Palaio Faliro. He also speaks about another important event: the sinking of the Greek sailing vessel Evangelistria. His research will...
Christmas stories and poems on ”Heliotrope” | 25.12.2023
The Christmas rendezvous with Giannis Papoutsakis' "Heliotrope" included two hours full of Christmas stories and poems by Papadiamantis, Xenopoulos, Terzakis, Livaditis, Palamas, Drosinis, Agra, Sperantza etc.. The show was interspersed with music and songs by Spanoudakis, Hatzis, Moscholiou, Galani...
”Our Town” tribute to the great Greek singer Marika Papagika | 24.12.2023
On Sunday, December 24th, "Our Town" made a tribute to the singer Marika Papagika. In the studio, the great actress, director and singer Kerasia Samara, unravelled with the thread of the fictional life of the unique artist Marika Papagika, who sang in a special way, enchanting the audience and fought...
Like Odysseus with guest Pavlos Karpodinis | 23.12.2023
Pavlos Karpodinis is on Odysseus' boat to tell us, sing to us, interpret and explain why "Great Loves Take Time"! Pavlos shares personal stories of his own journey with notes, lyrics and a wonderful voice! Pavlos Karpodinis began his musical quests in his teenage years by participating in bands....
Yannis Mavroeidakos of ‘Librairie Desmos’ on”Our Town” | 23.12.2023
Librairie Desmos is a unique cultural space, which also operates as a publishing house and a venue for events and multiple performances, is located in the heart of Paris and is a point of reference for the Greeks of the city but also for many French art lovers. In the studio, Yiannis Mavroeidakos,...
Anna Griva and Mania Meziti on ”Imprint” | 21 Dec. 2023
On Thursday, December 21st, at 12:00 Greek time, the show "Imprint" with Fouli Zavitsanou hosts Anna Griva and Mania Meziti at the studio of Voice of Greece, on the occasion of the publication of the Anthology of poems by Iranian women poets (10th-21st c.) "Naked as a knife" by Syrtari Publications. Anna...