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Our Town tribute to Emily Dickinson | 09 Dec. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Our Town tribute to Emily Dickinson | 09 Dec. 2024

On Monday, December 9, 2024, “Our Town” featured a tribute to the renowned 19th-century American poet Emily Dickinson.

Celebrated as a trailblazer of her era, Dickinson revolutionized poetic expression, crafting a modern literary and philosophical stance. Her life and work have created an enduring and unparalleled legacy.

The show presented a unique radio dialogue titled “In Conversation with Emily Dickinson.” It delved into her rebellious spirit, her distinctive voice, her views on religion, language, and identity, as well as the myth surrounding her enigmatic persona. Renowned author and researcher Despina Lala Christ, writer of the book “Emily Dickinson: Goddess of the Volcano,” shared insights about the poet’s life and impact, including the creation of a poetry lexicon by Harvard University dedicated to Dickinson’s work.

Actors Olia Lazaridou and Christina Taskasapidou will brought Dickinson’s poems to life through recitations, accompanied by atmospheric music that complements the show’s theme.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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