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Maria Kallimani and Lida Koutsodaskalou on “Our Town” | 07 Dec. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Maria Kallimani and Lida Koutsodaskalou on “Our Town” | 07 Dec. 2024

The show “Our Town” with Themis Rodamitis welcomes two exceptional guests.

Actresses Maria Kallimani and Lida Koutsodaskalou join the studio to discuss their roles in the production of “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams, directed by the Italian Antonio Latella. The play is currently being performed successfully at the Karolos Koun Art Theatre, where they star.

Maria Kallimani, a prominent actress in theater, cinema, and television, talks about her significant collaborations and the projects that established her as a distinguished figure in acting. She also reflects on her roles in popular TV series such as Pantheoi, Melisses, and Athoois, as well as her participation in highly acclaimed films.

The talented young actress Lida Koutsodaskalou shares insights about this important collaboration, her unique role in the play that showcases her rich talent, and her journey from athletics, where her career began, to acting. She also touches upon her studies and creative process.

Additionally, the two guests discuss literature, radio, art, friendship, and their favorite cities.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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