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NEXT 17:00 - 18:00
Giannis Papoutsakis
Kostas Kastanas on ”Our Town” | 20.11.2023
On Monday, November 20, the show "Our Town" is joined by Kostas Kastanas. The distinguished and acclaimed actor talks about his important milestones and his long career, mainly in the area of the theater, remembers the exciting moments he had with leading Greek actors and teachers (Minotis, Paxinou,...
”Journeys Basking in Greek Light” tribute to Lefteris Papadopoulos | 19.11.2023
Αφιερωμένη στο μεγάλο μας στιχουργό Λευτέρη Παπαδόπουλο ήταν η εκπομπή ''Ταξιδεύοντας με φως ελληνικό'' του Γιάννη Παπουτσάκη στις 19 Νοεμβρίου, με  αφορμή την 88η επέτειο των γενεθλίων του. Διαβάστηκαν αποσπάσματα από συνεντεύξεις-μνήμες του και ακούστηκαν μερικά από τα πιο αγαπημένα του τραγούδια από τις φ...
Costas Tsoclis on ”Our Town” | 19.11.2023
On Saturday, November 19, "Our Town" featured Costas Tsoclis. The acclaimed artist looks back on his many successful artistic interventions in Greece and the major cities of the world, his pioneering installations, the unique ideas he dared to implement, his validation. In a discussion with Themis...
Author Alexis Stamatis on ”Our Town” | 18.11.2023
On Saturday, November 18th, at 12:00-13:00 GMT (and repeated on Sunday, November 19th, at 04:00-05:00), the show "Our Town" presents Alexis Stamatis. The multi-talented writer talks about the art of words that he loves, about his narratives through fiction, short stories, children's books, poetry...
Spyros Koukoulomatis tribute on ”Time in Greece” | 17.11.2023
Art historian Spyros Moschonas and the daughter of leading painter Spyros Koukoulomatis, Dora, join the show TIME IN GREECE with Nikolas Angelidis. Unknown aspects of the life and work of the legendary painter who rejected wealth in a tragic time for Greece... and joined the Resistance. A major exhibition...
Journeys Basking in Greek Light | 16.11.2023
Στο θέατρο Αλκμήνη παίζεται το αριστουργηματικό έργο του Ίψεν ‘’Σόλνες ο πρωτομάστορας’’ σε μετάφραση και σκηνοθεσία Ανδρονίκης Αβδελιώτη, η οποία και πρωταγωνιστεί. Ένα έργο εσωτερικού προβληματισμού, με αυτοβιογραφικά στοιχεία και ήρωα έναν κυνικό άνθρωπο χαμένο στη ματαιοδοξία του και στη συνέχεια στις ενοχ...
”Imprint” with guest Lena Rammou | 16 Nov. 2023
Την Πέμπτη 16 Νοεμβρίου, η εκπομπή «Αποτύπωμα» της «Φωνής της Ελλάδας» με τη Φούλη Ζαβιτσάνου, συνάντησε την Λένα Ράμμου, συνεργάτιδα του Φεστιβάλ Θεσσαλονίκης και αντιπρόεδρο του ΔΣ του Φεστιβάλ WIFT GR 50/50 Ισότητα και στον Κινηματογράφο. Μας μίλησε για το 7ο Φεστιβάλ WIFT GR, το όποι...
Anna Kefaleli on ”Time in Greece” | 16.11.2023
Author Anna Kefaleli in a breathtaking interview with accounts that have never been heard before... talks about her own life story on TIME IN GREECE with Nikolas Angelidis... about her political refugee life in Romania and her dream of “making it back home”. The years in the Greek village, the nostalgia, fal...
Nikos Kavoukidis on ”Time in Greece” | 15.11.2023
Producer and cinematographer Nikos Kavoukidis, one of the most important figures in modern Greek cinema and television with a sixty-year course, will be a guest of Nikos Angelidis in the studio of Voice of Greece, on the show ‘Time in Greece’ on Wednesday, 15 ...
Christos Anthis and Evelina Sigala on ”Journeys Basking in Greek Light” | 14.11.2023
Playwright/director/actor Christos Anthis and actress Evelina Sigala talk about the play ''To Be Your Song'', staged at the Vafeio Theatre, at 17.00, on the show ''Journeys Basking in Greek Light'' by Giannis Papoutsakis. The show is interspersed with songs with lyrics by Lefteris Papadopoulos, whose...
Shipowner/composer Giorgos Laimos on ”Voices and Music” | 14.11.2023
Ευγενής, ταλαντούχος, καλός οικογενειάρχης και λάτρης της μουσικής. Ο εφοπλιστής Γιώργος Λαιμός ήταν καλεσμένος στην εκπομπή "Φωνές και μουσικές" ο οποίος συνθέτει μουσική και συγκινεί το κοινό του μέσα από ένα ταξίδι γεμάτο ήχους και συναισθήματα. Ο ίδιος, άλλωστε δεν κρύβει την αγάπη του για τη δη...
Our Town” tribute to Charles Aznavour | 12.11.2023
The great singer is described as the national voice of France and recognized as a charismatic, unique international artist who, together with Frank Sinatra, was considered the two leading singers in the world. The show presents the many aspects of the Armenian-born actor (with his numerous accolades...
Poet Ioanna Karamanli on ”Heliotrope” | 13.11.2023
Poet, translator, and teacher of the Italian language Ioanna Karamali joins Giannis Papoutsakis on this episode of the show ''Heliotrope'' where she talks about her second poetry collection ''To Be Born Colors'' that was recently released. Ioanna's poetry is dominated by sensitivity, romance, nostalgia,...
”Faraway words” on the 37th ‘Greek Film Week Munich’ | 13.11.2023 
The head of the Press office of the Greek Film Week in Munich, Mr. Konstantinos Mitsis, talks on the show about this year's program which includes more than 20 fiction, documentary, feature, and short films. Its 37th edition includes contemporary award-winning Greek films as well as a tribute to the...
”Journeys Basking in Greek Light”: 50 years to the Athens Polytechnic uprising | 12.11.2023
In a few days, fifty years will have passed since the Polytechnic uprising and the show ''Journeys Basking in Greek Light' with Giannis Papoutsakis presents a two-hour tribute to the 50th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising. Featuring audio recordings from the students' radio station,...
Chalandri is ”Our Town’ | 12.11.2023
On Saturday, November 12, "Our Town" featured a tribute to Chalandri. People who live in the city like painters Nikos Oikonomidis and Petros Zoumpoulakis, director - author Sergios Gkakas, Chilean musician Alejandro Diaz Corvalan, founder of the historical gallery "Chrysothemis" Zoe Psarrou, University...
Infinitely Curious: The anthropology of dance | 12.11.2023
Listen to this episode of the English language show Infinitely Curious with Katerina Batzaki, and explore the anthropology and therapy of dance! Learn how different dances like the ecstatic dance, Cambodian and Latin American folk CUMBIA dancing help interconnect not only Latinx and Asian cultures fro...