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“Our Town” tribute to Michalis Ganas | 12 Nov. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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“Our Town” tribute to Michalis Ganas | 12 Nov. 2024

A tribute to Michalis Ganas, who passed away on this day, with a broadcast that originally aired in April 2023.
The two-hour special was curated by Themis Rodamitis on the show Our Town, featuring the participation of Michalis Ganas himself. In the program, prominent figures from the literary world, such as Vangelis Hadjivassiliou, Giannis Efstathiadis, and Nasos Vagenas, share their thoughts, while from the music world, Giorgos Dalaras, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Eleftheria Arvanitaki, Nikos Kypourgos, and Nikos Xydakis also contribute. Notably, actress Olia Lazaridou and the poet himself read selections of Michalis Ganas’s verses.

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