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Christina Soulele on “Our Town” | 11 Nov. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Christina Soulele on “Our Town” | 11 Nov. 2024

On Monday, November 11, 2024, the show Our Town featured the talented author Christina Soulele.

She discussed her book “Apo tis Stahes tis Kantanou” (From the Ashes of Kantano), a novel inspired by the tragic history of the region of Kantano, which was devastated and destroyed by the German occupation forces. The book delves into events, characters, and relationships, with a strong emotional depth.

Soulele read excerpts from her book, while also reflecting on her love for nature, activism, and the values of friendship, love, and passion. She talked about dance, tradition, music, and the significance of memory, inspiration, and freedom.

In addition, the author shared her experiences writing short stories and poetry, and her work as an educator teaching students with disabilities—a deeply moving and captivating activity for her.

The discussion also featured music that aligns with the themes of the conversation.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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