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Journalist Manolis Kostidis on “Our Town” | 08 Nov. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Journalist Manolis Kostidis on “Our Town” | 08 Nov. 2024

On Saturday, November 9, 2024, “Our Town” hosted Manolis Kostidis.

The well-known journalist engaged in an in-depth conversation with Themis Rodamitis about his interests, his social circles, and his friendships both in Greece and in Turkey, where his relationships are very warm and sincere.

Kostidis discussed his experiences growing up in Istanbul, the significant schools there, and the efforts to preserve the small Greek community, keeping the Greek language and religion as unifying links to its history. He is actively involved in many social-political actions that contribute to this goal.

He also talked about his favorite spots in Istanbul today, his walks around the city, and the demands of his job, which he approaches with respect and objectivity. The conversation also touched on the “real Turkey,” including the neighborhoods of Beşiktaş and Halkalı, which maintain an authenticity, as well as the cafes playing Greek music found in the picturesque alleys, many of which carry Greek names, as do several streets and hotels.

Kostidis also shared his thoughts on his beloved Tinos, the sea, the air, the light, his favorite music, and the importance he places on dialogue, emphasizing the significance of being able to listen to different opinions.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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