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NEXT 17:00 - 18:00
Journeys Basking In Greek Light
Giannis Papoutsakis
Thodoris Gkonis on “Our Town” | 04 Aug. 2024
On Sunday, August 4, the show “Our Town” featured Thodoris Gkonis.The lyricist, director, and festival artistic director discussed his hometown, Nafplio, and the exciting events he is organizing there this summer. These events will highlight local and thematic cultural elements, opening a new chapt...
Like Odysseus: Tales from our grandparents | 08 Aug. 2024
Reference to two stories, one that began at Lake Copais and the other in April 1944: ”Grandpa, along with others, participated in the Anti-Fascist Naval Organization (AON) as a member of another organization, the Anti-Fascist Military Organization (ASO). They published a newspaper and generally wanted to be involved in political affairs, mostly driven by leftist views. As he told us, they clearly saw the British role early on and didn’t wait for the ‘Dekemvriana’ to be proven right. Their most significant moment was the mutiny they carried out in April 1944 on the ships and in the camps—a mutiny that, ... Read more
Christoforos Krokidis on “Our Town” – part 2 | 03 Aug. 2024
Christoforos Krokidis on “Our Town” - part 2
Historical Walks: Uncovering the Unknown Holocaust and Prejudices Against Roma | 03 Aug. 2024
August 2nd marks the Memorial Day of the Roma Holocaust, a lesser-known tragedy where around half a million Roma were systematically exterminated by the Nazis during World War II. Shedding light on this dark episode in global history is a crucial step in combating discrimination. On Saturday, ...
“Faraway Words” about Dropull International Film Festival | 31 July 24
In the show, we hosted the painter Kostas Zogas from Dropull (Dropolis), who spoke about the 4th Dropull International Short Film Festival. The festival will take place from August 6th to 9th, 2024, and is considered the most significant cultural event in the minority villages of Albania.
Christoforos Krokidis on “Our Town” | 29 July 2024
Elina Afentaki on “Our Town” | 15 July 2024
“Our Town” tribute to the ‘Mauthausen Trilogy’ | 28 July 2024
Elina Afentaki on “Our Town” | 15 July 2024
Historical Walks: Kostis Kornetis about the restoration of democracy in Southern Europe | 27 July 2024
We all know that the military junta in Greece fell in 1974, but few are aware that during the same period, we also witnessed a transition from dictatorship to democracy in two other countries in Southern Europe, Spain and Portugal.On this episode of "Historical Walks", historian and associate professor...
Vassilis Rouvalis on “Our Town” | 27 July 2024
Elina Afentaki on “Our Town” | 15 July 2024
Dimitris Sevastakis visits “Our Town” | 22 July 2024
Elina Afentaki on “Our Town” | 15 July 2024
Alkis Panagiotidis on “Our Town” | 20 July 2024
Elina Afentaki on “Our Town” | 15 July 2024
Syrian songwriter Tito Baden on “The Voice that Unites Us” | 19 July 2024
On Friday July 19, at 14.00 Athens time, Gianna Triantafylli hosts the Syrian songwriter Tito Baden in the studio of “Voice of Greece”. They refer to his life in Aleppo, his musical influences from Syria and the East as well as his European and contemporary musical compositions. Tito Baden l...
I. Hassiotis about his book “The Greek world in the mirror of Spain’s Golden Age” | 18 July 2024
"Imprint" with Fuli Zavitsanou, meets Ioannis K. Hassiotis, Emeritus Professor of Modern History of the Department of History and Archeology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, who talks about his new book titled "The Greek World in the Mirror of Spain's Golden Age" (University Studio Pres...
Sofia Arvaniti on “Journeys Basking in Greek Light” | 16 July 2024
Our beloved Sophia Arvaniti was a guest of Giannis Papoutsakis on the show "Journeys Basking in Greek Light" on July 16, where she talked about her journey in Greek music and her unforgettable collaborations, while also presenting her new single "Tonight is a celebration"
Elina Afentaki on “Our Town” | 15 July 2024
Elina Afentaki on “Our Town” | 15 July 2024
Iliada Andronikou on “Heliotrope” | 15 July 2024
The visual artist, political engineer, and poet Iliada Andronikou was a guest on July 15 on Giannis Papoutsakis' show "Heliotrope"! Ms. Andronikou read excerpts from her first poetry collection, "Support Yourself in the Heart," accompanied by the voices of Andy Williams, Procol Harum, Deep Purple, Leonard...
San Francisco Greek Film Festival on “Faraway Words” | 15 July 2024
Katerina Mavroudi -Steck and Kleon Skourtis, members of the volunteer group that has been organizing the San Francisco Greek Film Festival since 2004, were hosted in the studio of Voice of Greece and told us about the festival, which is the longest running in the USA and accepts 350- 400 applications....