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Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Dimitris Sevastakis visits “Our Town” | 22 July 2024

On Monday, July 22, 2024, Dimitris Sevastakis is a guest on the show “Our Town” with Themis Rodamitis.

The acclaimed painter, professor, and columnist speaks live in the studio about the interdependent relationship between politics and culture and their impact on daily life and human prosperity.

He expresses his desire “to be in the bright and unbearable joy of the protected, the reconciled with society,” and discusses how the crisis in France directly affects Greece, emphasizing that Europe, as a democratic model, is now also facing challenges.

The passionate and combative citizen Sevastakis shares his political experiences as a member of parliament, expressing concern over the current rhetoric and actions of political leaders, which he believes have reached an impasse. He reflects on his political journey, stating, “progress is not the privilege of any one group.” Deeply moved by the plight of homeless children, he condemns favoritism in politics and call for intellectuals and moderate citizens to return to politics with a new approach.

Finally, he discusses his future artistic plans, asserting that painting is an anarchic act and that culture should drive the country’s development.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis