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Greek Music Express: Boys, Boys, Boys: Panos Bousalis – Dimitris Verionis | 30 Aug. 2024
Greek Music Express Hercules Economou
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Greek Music Express: Boys, Boys, Boys: Panos Bousalis – Dimitris Verionis | 30 Aug. 2024

Singer-songwriter Dimitris Verionis has the island of Naxos as a key source of inspiration. Naxos, in fact, forms the background of the love story described in the album “Photographs from Naxos”. However, it is not just a background, he explains. I have an experiential relationship with the island, going there since I was 16 years old. But also in my previous album, “The Summer of Straw”, there were tracks that had Naxos as a point of reference. The first summer that I spent there was in 1988 and the island remains a favorite place for me.

Panos Bousalis second album is titled Sembreviva: “The title is probably a wish for everything that we make to be long-lasting, whether in art or in life in general. Let time travel beautifully. Sembreviva means, loosely translated, ‘lives forever’ and is the name of a small flower, which is the trademark of the island of Kythera. It is a somewhat utopian condition that exists in art anyway. Let love and music last, if you wish. I don’t know if there is anything coherent about this work. I didn’t seek to establish coherence”.

Produced and presented by Hercules Economou

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