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Like Odysseus Nikol Liakostavrou
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Like Odysseus: Tales from our grandparents | 08 Aug. 2024

Reference to two stories, one that began at Lake Copais and the other in April 1944: ”Grandpa, along with others, participated in the Anti-Fascist Naval Organization (AON) as a member of another organization, the Anti-Fascist Military Organization (ASO). They published a newspaper and generally wanted to be involved in political affairs, mostly driven by leftist views. As he told us, they clearly saw the British role early on and didn’t wait for the ‘Dekemvriana’ to be proven right. Their most significant moment was the mutiny they carried out in April 1944 on the ships and in the camps—a mutiny that, for the British, had the characteristics of a revolution.”

(Source: Diadromi Eleftherias newspaper)

Enjoy listening!

Tracklist: 1) Πες μου παππού – Φοίβος Δεληβοριάς, 2) Αναμνήσεις απ’ το Πολύκαστρο – ΧΑΜ (Νίκος, ο Πατέρας του Θρακιώτικου Ραπ), 3) Δεν έχει ο δρόμος γυρισμό – Μανώλης Μητσιάς, 4) Μη με προδώσεις – Δήμητρα Γαλάνη, 5) Where the streets have no name – U2, 6) Θλιμμένη ματιά – Ντόρα Γιαννακοπούλου, 7) Μες στον καθρέφτη μου Ελλάδα σε κοιτάζω – Σωτηρία Μπέλλου, ‘Ετσι μικρό ήταν τ΄ όνειρό μας – Μαρία Φαραντούρη, 9) Glory days – Bruce Springsteen, 10) Entre les lignes, entre les mots (Έχει ο Θεός) – Μελίνα Μερκούρη, 11) Σε βρίσκω στα βιβλία – Αλίκη Καγιαλόγλου