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Historias Minimas Thomas Sideris
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Historias Minimas: The Turkish invasion of Cyprus through the eyes of a hero | 19 July 2024

The Voice of Greece show “Historias Minimas” in collaboration with Radio Panik in Belgium presents a shocking radio documentary about the Turkish invasion of Cyprus through the eyes of a hero.
In the radio documentary by ERT journalist Thomas Sideris, the main narrator is retired Major General Nikos Koimtzoglou, then a second lieutenant in the Infantry, who led a group of heroic commandos who defended the city of Nicosia and fought fierce battles on Hill 190 (elevation Colocase). Second Lieutenant Nikos Koimtzoglou, with his exemplary and courageous leadership, and commando Manolis Bikakis, with his skill and bravery, together with the men of the 1st Commando Squadron, achieved a unique feat, putting a barrier on the Turkish advance and preventing the complete occupation of Nicosia.

While the main narrative axis follows the narration of Nikos Koimtzoglou, in a second narrative axis the chronicle of the events and operations is captured through the war announcements as broadcast by the Cyprus Radio Foundation. At the same time, listeners of the radio documentary will haRve the opportunity to hear a unique audio evidence from the rare documentary film, shot by Melina Mercouri in 1975 on behalf of ERT, exactly one year after the July 15 coup and the Turkish invasion. The film was found almost in its entirety after decades and was digitized by ERT. In the excerpts that will be broadcast, Melina Mercouri talks to mothers of missing persons, children of Cyprus and soldiers of the National Guard, as well as Archbishop Makarios.

Research-documentation-presentation: Thomas Sideris