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ON AIR 03:00 - 05:00
Folk Paths
Elena Falirea
NEXT 05:00 - 06:00
Remarkable Personalities
Mina Ralli


Kostas Papakostopoulos ”Takes his Time” | 19 Mar. 2024
Distinguished director Kostas Papakostopoulos, founder and Artistic Director of the Hellenic German Theater of Cologne, was met today by the show "Take Your Time" with Prokopis Angelopoulos. Mr. Papakostopoulos spoke about the history of the Hellenic German Theater, which this year completes 34 years...
Nikos Kavoukidis on ”Time in Greece” | 15.11.2023
Producer and cinematographer Nikos Kavoukidis, one of the most important figures in modern Greek cinema and television with a sixty-year course, will be a guest of Nikos Angelidis in the studio of Voice of Greece, on the show ‘Time in Greece’ on Wednesday, 15 ...
The Voice that Unites us with Gianna Triantafylli
Director Christos Godas on the broadcasting program "The Voice that Unites Us" On Thursday, January 12, Gianna Triantafylli is joined by director Christos Godas, who lives and works in New York. On the occasion of the documentary entitled ANTHROPAUSE. A journey exploring man's...
Leonidas Vardaros on TIME IN GREECE
Ο αναγνωρισμένος και βραβευμένος σκηνοθέτης Λεωνίδας Βαρδαρός μιλάει στην ΩΡΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ και τον Νικόλα Αγγελίδη για το έργο του... και τις τελευταίες του δημιουργίες. Αυτή την εποχή δουλεύει το δεύτερο σκέλος του Ντοκιμαντέρ Γυναίκες μαχήτριες - Η τριπλή Απελευθέρωση. Είναι μια σπουδαία δουλειά για τι...
A tribute to the poetry of Orestis Laskos on Voices and Music
The beloved director Orestis Laskos from Elefsina. Most people know him from his films - 54 recorded - all very well known that were box office successes. But the truth is that in his forty years of filmmaking, Laskos has 51 years of poetry to contrast, considering he had been publishing since he was...