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ON AIR 05:00 - 06:00
Remarkable Personalities
Mina Ralli
NEXT 06:00 - 08:00
Greek Traditional Music
Maria Koutsimpiri

Polykarpos Chalkidis

Greece in the World with Giorgos Dionysopoulos | 23 Aug. 2024
Guests on the Friday, August 23rd show: Georgia Skitzi, political correspondent for ERT (covering government news) Vassilis Korkidis, President of the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Regional Chamber Council of Attica Giannis Makrygiannis, journalist and director of Evangelos...
Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 09 May 2024
On Thursday, May 9th, 2024, we talked with the political editor of the newspaper AVGI, Kostas Poulakidas, about current affairs and, mainly, the issues of Greek-Turkish relations, the visit of the Albanian president to Athens and the prognostications for the European elections on June 9th. Before closing...
Take Your Time
An all-inclusive show featuring current affairs, as well as interviews with politicians, scientists, journalists, representatives of non-governmental organizations, people of the Greek Diaspora, and artists.
Take Your Time
Ακούστε τη διαφορετική, Χριστουγεννιάτικη εκπομπή της δεύτερης ημέρας των Χριστουγέννων, από το στούντιο της Φωνής της Ελλάδας και τον Προκόπη Αγγελόπουλο. Ταξιδέψαμε και μαζέψαμε ευχές και εορταστικές εικόνες από τη Λάρισα και τον ανταποκριτή της ΕΡΤ, Βαγγέλη Μητρούσια, την καλοκαιρινή Μελβούρνη και την ομ...