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Costa-Gavras on “Our Town” | 24 Feb. 2025
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Costa-Gavras on “Our Town” | 24 Feb. 2025

On Monday, February 24th, “Our Town” featured Costas-Gavras. The award-winning and renowned director had an in-depth conversation with Themis Rodamitis about his latest film, The Last Breath. This great film, through the director’s lens, highlights the different characters and the varying ways in which death is approached, capturing the moments of parting with loved ones. Here, the director presents moments of joy, almost festive, and high-level communication.

Costa-Gavras talked about his films, collaborations with iconic actors (Yves Montand, Romy Schneider, etc.), and his favorite philosophers such as Socrates, Heraclitus, as well as Cornelius Castoriadis and André Gorz, who were his friends. He shared his thoughts on cinema, saying it primarily shows how people live, and expressed his optimism, especially for France, where women are the driving force behind most films.

The guest also talked about the important role of music in films, its connection with characters, and his collaborations with composers such as Vangelis Papathanassiou and Mikis Theodorakis.
In this unique show, he explained that his relationship with Greece and the Greek people is strong, and that he loves rebetiko music. He remains deeply concerned about the world today, especially after Trump’s election. Reflecting on his own future as he turns 92, he discussed how death remains a taboo, requiring preparation and time, and that the living should prioritize those who are leaving and how they feel.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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