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Alexis Katsaros and Lefteris Dakalakis are this week’s “Remarkable Personalities” on Voice of Greece | 28 Dec. 2024, 16:00

The festive spirit of Christmas is brought to us by the Lampadarios and choir director of the Athens Metropolitan Cathedral Choir, Alexis Katsaros, and the cantor and director Lefteris Dakalakis, this Saturday, December 28, on the show Remarkable Personalities” with Mina Ralli.

Alexis Katsaros, whose voice we hear every Sunday on ERT during the broadcast of the Divine Liturgy from the Athens Cathedral, will talk about the Twelve Days of Christmas, from Christmas to Epiphany, with their continuous and extended services, as well as the art of Byzantine music.

Lefteris Dakalakis, representing the younger generation of choristers, will describe the daily life of a cantor while sharing his experiences directing televised broadcasts of liturgical services.

Tune in to Voice of Greece on Saturday, December 28, at 4:00 PM Athens time!

Produced and presented by Mina Ralli


Ο Χριστοφόρος Χαραλαμπάκης για την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας | 08/02/2025, 16:00
Ο ομότιμος καθηγητής Γλωσσολογίας του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, Χριστοφόρος Χαραλαμπάκης μας εξηγεί πού οφείλονται η διαχρονικότητα, η ενότητα και η πολυσημία της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Ο καταξιωμένος γλωσσολόγος μας μιλάει ακόμη για τα ορθογραφικά και συντακτικά προβλήματα της νεοελλην...