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Filippos Fortomas on Voice of Greece | 22 Feb. 2024

On Thursday, February 22nd, shortly after 11 am Athens time, the new chairman of the Parliament’s Standing Committee on Greeks Abroad, Mr. Filippos Fortomas, will be a guest at the studio of Voice of Greece, on the show “Take your time” with Prokopis Aggelopoulos.

Filippos Fortomas is a Member of Parliament for the Cyclades with the New Democracy party. He took over the position of President of the Committee, following a proposal by the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Upon assuming his duties, he expressed his willingness to do whatever necessary to strengthen the relations of the Greek State with Greeks Abroad, at a critical point in time for the Greek Diaspora and its participation in socio-political developments, describing relations with expatriates as the highest priority of the State and the further strengthening of Greece’s relations with the Greek Diaspora.

The main topic of discussion is gpoing to be the new Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Greeks Abroad (2024-2027), which has been put to consultation through the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in order for expatriates to take a position on it and make use of its proposals. As already stated by the ministry, this plan is a “road map”, “a unified, coherent and constantly updated strategy with specific priorities”.

Its objectives include, among others, the support of networks and structures of the Diaspora, the utilization of the Greek Diaspora’s presence to promote issues of Greek interest, the strengthening of ties with the ecclesiastical institutions of Orthodoxy and the support of Greek language and culture.