ON AIR 03:00 - 04:00
Greek Music Express
Hercules Economou
NEXT 04:00 - 05:00
The Voice That Unites Us
Gianna Triantafylli

SYRIZA-PA MEP Kostas Arvanitis and professor Matthaios Santamouris will ”Take Their Time” on Voice of Greece | 19.01.2024, 10.00 – 12.00

On Friday, January 19th, 2024, the show “Take Your Time” with Prokopis Angelopoulos will successively host two distinguished guests.

At 10:20 am Greek time and in the first part of the show, SYRIZA P.A. MEP Kostas Arvanitis will speak live from the studio of the Voice of Greece.
The acclaimed journalist and politician will answer questions about the functioning of the European Parliament, the Eurogroup of the Left, the debates and decisions concerning the Environment, the Rule of Law in Greece, the major social issues of Health, Welfare and Education, as well as the developments in SYRIZA P.A.

Later, at 11:00 Greek time, in the second part of the show, Prokopis Angelopoulos’ guest will be the renowned physicist, professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Mattheos Santamouris, who has just arrived from Australia, via Izmir.
The man who has been working, for years, on the very important issue of utilizing new materials to tackle temperature increase in cities due to Climate Change, will talk to us about the important international collaborations and agreements, the constant “war” for a better quality of life, through the way we build and manage our cities, but also about the issue of sustainable development, which is a key factor in planning the Next Day for our planet.

Curated and hosted by Prokopis Angelopoulos

Produced by journalist: Lia Tarousi