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Student Movement 1973: Dr. Maria Herodotou remembers | 17.11.2023, 10:00

On Friday, November 17, 2023, on the 50th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising, the show “Take Your Time with Prokopis Angelopoulos will host Dr. Maria Herodotou, Coordinator of Greek Studies at La Trobe University in Melbourne. Dr Herodotou “returns” to Athens of 1973, and remembers how she experienced the events of those days, as well as the previous period that started in 1967 when the dark veil of the Dictatorship fell on the political and social life of the country, as a student of the School of Philosophy.

She remembers the days after the uprising, with the harsher junta of Ioannides, as well as everything that happened in 1974, returning to her homeland, Cyprus, when she was forced with her family to leave her family home, which was located in the buffer zone, and return to Athens, with her husband who was still a student in Medical School. Memories that never faded, which she carried with her when she immigrated to Australia shortly afterwards, in 1977.

Mrs. Herodotou reflects on the events of those days and talks about the incorporation of the “Polytechnic” into the global student movements and the timelessness of the values of the uprising.


Take Your Time: A story from the days of ‘Attila operation’ | 22 July 2024, 11:00
Τη Δευτέρα, 22 Ιουλίου, στις 11:00 ώρα Ελλάδας, 50 χρόνια μετά τα τραγικά γεγονότα με τον «Αττίλα» στην Κύπρο μας, στο στούντιο της Φωνής της Ελλάδας, καλεσμένος του Προκόπη Αγγελόπουλου στην εκπομπή «Πάρε τον Χρόνο σου» ένας άνθρωπος που έζησε τον εφιάλτη του πολέμου, με την εισβολή των Τούρκων στη Μεγ...
Filippos Fortomas on Voice of Greece | 22 Feb. 2024
On Thursday, February 22nd, shortly after 11 am Athens time, the new chairman of the Parliament’s Standing Committee on Greeks Abroad, Mr. Filippos Fortomas, will be a guest at the studio of Voice of Greece, on the show "Take your time" with Prokopis Aggelopoulos. Filippos Fortomas is a Member o...