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ON AIR 14:00 - 15:00
Greek Music Express
Hercules Economou
NEXT 15:00 - 16:00
The Elves Of Tradition
Maria Koutsimpiri

The Vocal Ensemble En-Chor on “Voices and Music” | 24 Sept. 2024, 18:00

On Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 18:00 Athens time, Alexis Kostas will host Savvas Rakintzakis, the conductor and “arranger” of the nine-member vocal ensemble En-Chor, on the show “Voices and Music” on Voice of Greece.Kalli Theodorou and Eftyhis Vardoulakis, members of the musical ensemble, will join them in the studio.

The vocal ensemble En-Chor (pronounced “Ankor”) consists of Valsamia Athanasiou, Eftychis Vardoulakis, Soteria Georgiou, Konstantis Despotis, Sofia Kounela, Kassis Lazarus, Stefanía Morozini, Vangelis Nikolidakis, and Yiuli Philippidou. The arrangements and musical supervision are handled by Savvas Rakintzakis, a long-time close collaborator of composer Stefanos Korkolis, while the artistic direction is provided by Kali Vandorou.

En-Chor brings a new breath and freedom to the way music is perceived and interpreted. It flirts with almost all genres of music and dares to change timbres and rhythms in well-known and beloved songs that stand the test of time, featuring a demanding repertoire that “marriages” elements of pop, rock, gospel, jazz, spirituals, traditional music, and more.

Produced and presented by Alexis Kostas
Broadcast: September 24, 2024, 18:00-19:00 Athens time