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Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Akyllas Karazisis on ”Our Town” | 02.12.2023

On Saturday, December 2, at 12:00-13:00 Greek time (with a rerun on Sunday, December 3, at 01:00-02:00), the show “Our Town” is joined by Akyllas Karazisis.

The well-known actor and director, joining us at the studio of Voice of Greece, talks about performances he has played in and directed and which have shaped his artistic career as well as the successful TV series MILKY WAY, directed by Vasilis Kekatos, currently playing.

He talks about the city of his childhood years, Thessaloniki, about his friends and hangouts there, about important people of the theater he met and formed a special relationship with.

Akyllas Karazisis talks about his favorite poets, Eliot, Ginsberg, Dostoevsky, Tarkovsky, Gonatas, as well as Dionysis Savvopoulos, who made a decisive contribution to his youthful reflections through his poetic writing.

The show focuses on his views on homophobia, stereotypes, conservatism, authoritarianism. References are made to the theatre, the actor’s relationship to spectators and his relationship with everyday life. He talks about his time in Heideberg, when he studied political science, about the concepts of Time, Past, Present, and Future, about the importance of light in life. He talks of his special love of women, while he also states that “to be serious, an idea must be eligible to be danced”.