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Captain Thanasis Katsaros on “Fair Winds and Following Seas” | 11 Feb. 2025
Fair Winds And Following Seas Antonis Karagiannakis
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Captain Thanasis Katsaros on “Fair Winds and Following Seas” | 11 Feb. 2025

Captain Thanasis Katsaros, from the village of Myrtia, Aetolia-Acarnania, near Lake Trichonida, initially aspired to become a mathematician but ultimately devoted his life to the sea with passion and professionalism.

He graduated from the Syros Merchant Marine Academy in 1966 and embarked on his first voyage as a cadet aboard the M/V TRANSPORTER, sailing from Livorno, Italy, to Mobile, Alabama. After years at sea, he worked in a shipping office before fulfilling his dream of becoming an educator, teaching stability to future officers and captains of the Greek Merchant Navy.

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