Two veteran captains and graduates of the historic Hydra Merchant Marine Academy, Captain Panagiotis Papoulidis and Captain Lefteris Kehagioglou, who is also the president of the Greek Small Islands Network, are the guests of Antonis Karagiannakis on Saturday, December 7, 2024, on “Saturday Shift” (the weekend special edition of the show “Fair Winds and Following Seas”).
They speak with great warmth and love about the oldest nautical academy in the world, that of Hydra, their love for the sea, their lives on ships, the shipping industry today, their adventures, and the education of young people in this field. They also discuss issues facing the maritime community, women on ships, new technology, and more.
Finally, Mr. Kehagioglou elaborates on the activities of the Greek Small Islands Network, with which he is very actively involved, and the main issues faced by our island communities.
Produced and presented by Antonis Karagiannakis