The show “FAIR WINDS AND FOLLOWING SEAS” with Antonis Karagiannakis celebrates Christmas with a festive program with the wishes, voices and memories of many of our seafarers. Fantastic, nostalgic, incredible Christmas and New Year’s stories experienced by many of them in the oceans, seas and harbors all over the world. Touching stories and memories with wonderful people, young and old who these days think even more about their family, their friends and their country. A festive show with a lot of fun, seamanship and emotion. A two-hour program that will take you to the seas and harbors in the four corners of the world, to meet amazing people from our shipping industry. All this and much more in a special radio trip to the “Voice of Greece” and “FAIR WINDS AND FOLLOWING SEAS”, which should not be missed. The show is broadcast on Christmas Day 12.25.2023 at 08:00 in the morning and in the evening in replay at 20:00. |
Fair Winds And Following Seas
Antonis Karagiannakis