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Maria Kant on “Our Town” | 21 Dec. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
0:00 LIVE

Maria Kant on “Our Town” | 21 Dec. 2024

On Saturday, December 21st, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM, the show Our Town will host poet Maria Kant (Kantonidou).

The guest in the studio will discuss her poetry collection titled STANZA, her very first creation. As she will explain, in Stanza, she sought to give form and identity so that it may “exist, propose, and be tested.”

The poet will also share her perspective that no art can exist or be created in a vacuum or devoid of space and time—and by extension, social reality. She will emphasize that her relationship with writing has always been karmic: a painful birth, a longing expressed in a unique, personal language—”with barbs and internal endpoints.”

During the show, she will talk about her love for photography, which also accompanies her book, as well as her passion for literature, cinema, music, radio, and her favorite cities.

Achilleas Kyriakidis and the book’s editor, Zoe Bella-Armaou, will join the discussion about Maria Kant and will read excerpts from her poetry alongside her.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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