The show “Take Your Time”, hosted by Prokopis Agelopoulos, welcomed today Andreas Koulouris, a PhD candidate in the Department of Oncology-Pathology at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and an Oncologist-Consultant at the same hospital. The occasion was his recent scholarship award from the “Elena Iliopoulou Giama – Research and Scholarships for Cancer Prevention and Treatment” foundation, supported by the Deloitte Greece Foundation.
Mr. Koulouris was selected among other outstanding Greek-origin PhD candidates and researchers after undergoing a rigorous evaluation process and interviews with members of the foundation’s Scientific Committee and Trustees.
His research focuses on the innovative design of cancer treatments and improved prognostic tools for lung cancer, with a special emphasis on patients with targeted mutations and brain metastases. By utilizing artificial intelligence tools, his study aims to enhance predictive accuracy, personalize treatment approaches, and ultimately improve patients’ quality of life.