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Our Town tribute episode to Leonard Cohen
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Our Town tribute episode to Leonard Cohen

On Friday, June 9th, the show “Our Town” was dedicated to Leonard Cohen. The composer, writer and songwriter left an important legacy, both with his work and with his poetic lifestyle. The show aired his own words about much of what he believed in, loved and lived for.
In the studio, poet Myrsini Gkana spoke of “her own Cohen”. Songwriter Themis Andreadis talked about the troubadour’s relationship with his great love, Hydra, and his love for him.
Leonard Cohen writes:
“No one dominates the heart. No one dominates love. In a sense, we are all amateurs in these matters and they have to start over every day. There’s no guarantee for how the relationship we had the day before is going to be, when we wake up tomorrow, the very same relationship.”
Curated and hosted by: Themis Rodamitis