Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Our Town tribute to Loukas Samaras | 18 Mar. 2024

The great Greek-American artist, who passed away a few days ago, was a great avant-garde personality with international recognition abroad who contributed significant work in painting, sculpture, visual arts and photography.

Samaras, a pioneer in radical paths, pushed and redefined the boundaries of portraiture and self-portraiture, creating for 70 years, focusing on the body and the soul, reflecting on the malleable and changing nature of the self.

On Samaras’ work, on his international recognition, on the representation of Greece at the Venice Biennale and on the psychological artistic imprint of the self through an artist’s magic that fed the myth of the eccentric, the mystic who dared to show the most occult aspects of himself and his body, will be spoken by Katerina Koskina, art history PhD holder, museologist, exhibition curator, and Katerina Zacharopoulou, visual artist and creator of the show “The Age of Images”.