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“Our Town” tribute to Rebetiko Part II | 21 Oct. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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“Our Town” tribute to Rebetiko Part II | 21 Oct. 2024

On Monday, October 21, 2024, the show “Our Town” presented the second part of the tribute to the Portraits of Rebetiko Creators.

Guest Manolis Dimitrianakis talked about the iconic singer of the classical Rebetiko era, Stratos. Many have said that he had “nests of nightingales in his throat.” Stratos was a member of the famous “Tetralogy of Piraeus” and uniquely interpreted the songs of Markos and others.

Regarding Giovan Tsahous (Giannis Eitsiridis), Dimitrianakis described him as a significant personality, a virtuoso who played many instruments (piano, violin, tzouras, saz, oud, bouzouki, baglamas, tamboura), whose melodies will remain immortal.

Special stories about the fascinating lives of these artists were shared, along with references to the Piraeus hangouts, their important collaborations, recordings, relationships with other creators, and the interesting yet challenging aspects of their lives.

In the studio, musician and radio producer Elena Falirea, along with Dimitrianakis, performed characteristic songs live for the listeners of Voice of Greece.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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