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“Our Town” tribute to Vassilis Vassilikos | 17 Nov. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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“Our Town” tribute to Vassilis Vassilikos | 17 Nov. 2024

On Sunday, November 17, 2024, the show “Our Town” dedicated a tribute to Vassilis Vassilikos.

The prolific novelist left a lasting mark on literature, distinguished by his resistance during turbulent times and his contribution to the Lambrakis case through his novel Z, which was adapted into a film by Costa-Gavras.

The program highlighted the rich and widely translated body of work by this profoundly political and socially engaged author, screenwriter, and journalist. It also explored the cities where he lived and created, his favorite authors (such as Camus, Kundera, Cortázar, Kazantzakis, Sartre), many of whom he connected with personally and shared common ideals. Additionally, it examined the influential roles he held, such as director at the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT), ambassador to UNESCO, and member of Parliament.

Live on the show, writer and coordinator of Open Art Alexandros Asonitis and professor of Philology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA), Thanasis Agathos, discussed Vassilikos’ legacy. Excerpts from his groundbreaking novel Z were read by actors Pemi Zouni and Yiannos Perlegkas.

As Linos Politis once remarked, “Vassilikos expressed, in a new, modern language—a dense and multifaceted language—the dissolution, confusion, disappointment, protest, and escape that characterize and define the fourth dimension of his enigmatic era.”

The episode also featured songs from the heroic Polytechnic Uprising, as the broadcast coincides with its anniversary.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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