Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 13 June 2024

On Thursday, June 13th, 2024, the first hour of the show was dedicated to Political Current Affairs, with comments on the election result and the party movements for the next day by Panos Amyras, director of the newspaper “Eleftheros Typos”, and Giannis Fassoulas, political editor of ERT.

The second hour was dedicated to Culture. Kleoniki Demiri, performer and member of the ERT Orchestra, spoke to us about a major concert in which she will participate on Sunday, June 16th at 9 pm in Venice, in the courtyard of the Church of St. George, on the occasion of the 450th anniversary since its completion. The concert is organized by the Greek Orthodox Community of Venice, the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies and the Metropolis of Italy, in collaboration with the support of the Embassy of Greece in Rome.

Immediately afterwards, the internationally renowned artist Mara Karetsos was a guest in the show’s studio. She is the president of the Mara Karetsos Centre for Culture and Science, and spoke to Prokopis Angelopoulos on the occasion of the one and only concert entitled “Jazz in Athens”, which the foundation is organizing on July 2nd at the Dora Stratou Dance Theatre, dedicated to Elton John. The concert brings together important personalities of the international and domestic music scene, in a unique combination of different musical genres, sounds and styles. It is under the auspices of the Municipality of Athens and part of the proceeds will be donated to the Elton John AIDS Foundation.