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Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 21 Mar. 2024

On Thursday, March 21st, 2024, immediately after the reading of the Current Affairs through the front pages of the newspapers, we spoke with the parliamentary editor and political analyst, Kostas Poulakidas, about the debate that took place in the parliament on the conclusion of the Commission of Inquiry on the accident-crime of Tempe, on February 28th, 2023. Immediately afterwards, as part of the show’s dedication to the only 22 female mayors who were elected at the polls of the municipal elections, we met the mayor of Kassandra Chalkidiki, Anastasia Chalkia, and we were informed about the priorities of her second four-year term as mayor.

In the second hour, the studio guest was the soprano Vasia Zacharopoulou, who in addition to her participation in the National Opera, we also got to know her through famous dubbings in Disney children’s films and, finally, as the voice of the Greek Google services, a job for which she had to work hard, for a whole year and several hours every day. Shortly before the end of the show, we “travelled” to the distant Kamchatka peninsula, in the easternmost part of Russia and, by extension, Europe, where we met by phone Giannis Kofopoulos, actor and performer, who traveled there from Moscow where he is based, for two performances of the Vakhtangov Theater with Oedipus the Tyrant, directed by the Lithuanian Rimas Tuminas, in the theater of the city of Petropavlovsk. It is a historical performance that was first staged in 2016, in Epidaurus as a co-production between the Vakhtagov Theater and the Greek National Theatre.

The show ended with sports news with Dimitris Giachanatzis in the studio.