Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 23 Feb. 2024

On Friday’s show, February 23rd, 2024, we started with the political comment on developments in SYRIZA PA, following Tsipras’ intervention and Kasselakis’ response for new internal party elections for the election for leadership positions. On this issue we spoke with Giannis Fasoulas, political editor of ERT who covers the SYRIZA report. Then, we read the headlines of the newspapers and, immediately afterwards, we asked the president of EINAP (Association of Physicians of the Hospitals of Athens and Piraeus), Matina Pagoni, to talk to us about the decision of the Ministry of Health for paid afternoon surgeries in public hospitals and what exactly Mr Adonis Georgiadis answered to the representatives of EINAP at their recent meeting. At the end of the first hour, we were informed by ERT reporter Kostas Stamou about the announcement for the reopening of OAKA, after the restoration works of the problems with the shelter, with the seal of the Technical Chamber of Greece.

In the second hour, Mrs Antonia Legaki, lawyer of the 19-year-old who had been trafficked in Ilioupoli, talked to us about the unexpected decision of the prosecutor to bring the young girl to trial, after the lawsuit filed against her by the man who pimped her and has been convicted at first instance for it. Then, we opened a line with Mrs Evi Nomikou, associate professor of Geology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, known for her research on volcanoes and especially the volcanoes of the Aegean, who informed us about her recent trip to Guatemala, a country with many important active volcanoes, but also about her relationship with the Greek Diaspora and second and third generation children in her trips around the world.

The show ended with Ivana Djordjevic in international news and Antigone Drakatou in Sports News.