Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 24.11.2023

On Friday, November 24, 2023, following the current affairs of the day and relevant commentary, we are joined in the studio by Mr. Giorgos Kavvathas, president of Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen, and Merchants (GSEVEE) and Panhellenic Federation of Restaurant & Related Professions (POESE) and we talk extensively about the problems of the Market, the increase in prices, about small and medium-sized enterprises and catering businesses, the deadlocks, Taxation, problems with financing and many other issues that concern small entrepreneurs and business owners.

In the second hour, we go on a live connection with Istanbul, where Ms. Josephine Margarian, director and co-organizer of the Panorama of Greek Cinema, taking place in the city for the second year, talks to us about the event, the films, the people, but also the special relationship developing, through this institution, between the Turkish Audience and Greek Film Production. Then, we go on a live connection with Norway and on the occasion of the concert titled Cretan Lyra Project scheduled to be given on Saturday, November 25 at the Concert Hall in Oslo, with lyre player, musician, and researcher of Music, Giorgos Kaloudis; we also talk with the president of the Greek Community of Norway, Yiannis Aliferis, about the 5 thousand Greeks living in this ice-covered country, at least in wintertime, about their daily lives, their jobs, and about the conditions and cost of living in general, but also the advantages of living in Norway.

The show closes with Ivana Djordjevic on international news and Antigoni Drakatou on sports world news.