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Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 26 July 2024

On the show of Friday, July 26, 2024, after the newspaper headlines, we spoke with the president of the Patras Medical Association and Deputy Regional Governor for Public Health in Western Greece, Anna Mastorakou, about the decision of private doctors to abstain from electronic prescriptions for 48 hours in protest of a legislative regulation that requires them to offer services in the public sector.

Next, we connected with Paris, where ERT Sports journalist and ERT correspondent for the Olympic Games, Vicky Spyrou, shared the latest news just hours before the opening ceremony and described the overall atmosphere in the City of Light.

In the second hour, we introduced the talented Greek-Swiss musician Nikola Katrantzi, who spoke to us by phone from his family’s island, Lesvos. The 22-year-old pianist, bassist, composer, and producer discussed his upcoming concerts in Paris on September 2 and 3.

We then talked to former Voice of Greece collaborator Paisia Kramvoussianou about the island of Leros, where she is currently for professional reasons. We learned about the attractions, the best beaches, the monuments worth seeing, and the cost of vacations, which cater to all budgets.

The show concluded with Ivana Djordjevic on international news and Giannis Papageorgiou in the studio for sports news.