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“Take Your Time” with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 31 Dec. 2024
Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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“Take Your Time” with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 31 Dec. 2024

In the final show of the year, we spoke with Mr. Giorgos Kormas, head of the Help Line at the Greek Safer Internet Center, about the dangers of the internet for children and teenagers. The discussion focused on issues like addiction, changes in lifestyle and habits, and how these can impact their development and social relationships. The conversation was sparked by the government’s announcement of related measures.

Next, Giorgos Kavvathas, president of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants (GSEVEE) and the Federation of Restaurant and Related Professions, shared insights on market trends in retail and dining during the holiday season. He highlighted how low consumer purchasing power negatively affects these sectors, which see a turnover increase during the holidays—though much smaller than market expectations.

In the second hour, embracing the festive spirit of the season, we offered Greeks worldwide a celebratory program featuring traditional carols and folk songs. Special guests in the studio included Nikos Filippidis on clarinet, Kostas Filippidis on lute, Kostas Meretakis on percussion, and the exceptional voice of Lefkothea Filippidis performing vocals.

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