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Theatre collective “Tsiritsantsoules” on “Our Town” | 30 Nov. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
0:00 LIVE

Theatre collective “Tsiritsantsoules” on “Our Town” | 30 Nov. 2024

On Saturday, November 30, from 12:00 to 13:00 Athens time (with a repeat broadcast on Sunday, December 1, from 04:00 to 05:00), the show Our Town will feature the theater group “Tsiritsantsoules.”

Marinos Mouzakis, a founding member of the group, will join the studio to discuss this experimental, grassroots theater collective that performs street theater and participates in unique, alternative festivals. The group stands out for its collectivist model and its emphasis on human, rather than professional, relationships.

The discussion will include their participation at the Grotowski Center in Poland and their distinctive traditional and classical music concerts held in various locations.

The guest will also talk about the group’s film-related activities, screenings, exhibitions, and unique celebrations, as well as their performances at Embros Theater under the title My Mind Hurts 2: The Revenge of Coal.

Humor, movement, dance, mime, folk culture, and open audience participation are the core elements that “Tsiritsantsoules” both offer and seek.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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