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Historical Walks

“Historical Walks”, ERT’s award-winning show, returns to the radio of Voice of Greece. Marilena Katsimi and her guests take you on a tour of Greece and the world, presenting topics from contemporary history and the historicity of current issues. The show, featuring recognized scientists, attempts to contribute to the promotion and demystification of difficult and often deliberately forgotten historical topics through the popularization of knowledge and to promote public debate.

Historical Walks: anti-fascist Wehrmacht soldiers in Greece | 06 July 2024
The image that exists in the collective memory of German soldiers is that of cruel Nazis, who committed acts of violence, however there is also the other side: German soldiers who served in the Wehrmacht but were opposed to the Nazi ideology decisively helped the Greek resistance. The Doctor of History...
Historical Walks: The history of domestic work in Greece (Part II) | 29 June 2024
"Historical Walks" explores the institution of domestic work from the end of the 19th century to the case of Spyridoula Rapti, who shook Greek society in the middle of the 20th century. On Saturday, June 29, 2024, at 13:00 Athens time, tune in to Voice of Greece to listen to the second part of 'The...
Historical Walks: The history of domestic work in Greece (pPart I) | 22 June 2024
On the occasion of the World Day Against Child Labour (June 12) "Historical Walks" explore the institution of domestic work from the end of the 19th century to the case of Spyridoula Rapti, who shook Greek society in the middle of the 20th century. Historian Mrs. Pothiti Hantzaroula, author of the...
Historical Walks: Social working in Greece | 15 June 2024
The 11 year old girl from Ilia... the 12 year old girl from Kolonos... and so many other children who experience abuse in institutions and even death. What could the state do to protect these children? "It's not enough just to have a neighborhood policeman, not just a doctor. Both in cooperation...
Historical Walks: Dimitris Stempilis about the History of the EU | 08 June 2024
Historian and journalist Dimitris Stembilis talks to Marilena Katsimi about the history of United Europe. How was the idea of a United ​​Europe formed after World War II in the ruins of the greatest humanitarian disaster the world has ever seen? When did this idea arise and how did...
Historical Walks: Greece between East and West | 01 June 2024
Μία εβδομάδα πριν τις ευρωεκλογές και με αφορμή τις έντονες συζητήσεις που έγιναν για το τραγούδι «Ζάρι» της Μαρίνας Σάττι που μας εκπροσώπησε στη Eurovision, ο ιστορικός Χάρης Αθανασιάδης θα μας μιλήσει για το πώς οι Έλληνες αντιλαμβάνονται την εθνική τους ταυτότητα κυρίως σε σχέση με την Ευρώπη από τ...
Historical Walks: The History of Meditation (‘Zen’) | 25 May 2024
Επιστημονικές έρευνες έχουν δείξει ότι ο διαλογισμός μειώνει το στρες, τον πόνο, βοηθά στην αντιμετώπιση των συμπτωμάτων στέρησης και βελτιώνει σημαντικά την συναισθηματική μας υγεία. Τι είναι όμως ο διαλογισμός;Με αφορμή την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Διαλογισμού (21 Μαΐου). Ο Κωνσταντίνος Σγουμπόπουλος, μοναχός του Ζεν και ιδρυ...
Historical Walks: The History of Jazz (Part IΙ) | 18 May 2024
The tribute to Jazz music continues on the show “Historical Walks” with Marilena Katsimi. Guitar teacher and author Angelos Gavriil will be invited to “Voice of Greece” on Saturday, May 18, to talk about modern Jazz, which caused a turning point in the history of music. ...
Folklorist Miranda Terzopoulos on “Historical Walks” | 11 May 2024
The brightest week of the year for our traditions is the one that follows Holy Week. The New Year’s Eve begins on Easter Sunday and ends on Thomas Sunday.On Saturday, May 11th, folklorist and ethnologist Miranda Terzopoulos took us on a journey throughout Greece to get to know the customs a...