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NEXT 17:00 - 18:00
Giannis Papoutsakis

Voice of Greece

The Elves of Tradition with Maria Koutsimpiri | 16 Feb. 2024
A regular journey around Greece through traditional melodies and folklore. Featuring archival material, new record releases as well as new recordings from the ERT’s Music Ensembles.
Greek Music Express: Animals in songs – Seagulls | 16 Feb 2024
Today, our track list includes songs about seagulls – these lovely seabirds that have inspired several Greek music artists. Primarily, seagulls symbolise freedom, flight, departure, adventure, unconventional behaviour. Gulls are resourceful, inquisitive and intelligent, demonstrating complex methods o...
Wounded Knee: an unprecedented massacre against Native Americans | 16 Feb. 2024
Αφιέρωμα σε μια από τις πιο μαύρες σελίδες της παγκόσμιας ιστορίας... Τη σφαγή 300 αμάχων Ινδιάνων, κυρίως γυναικόπαιδων, στο Wounded Knee της Νότιας Ντακότα, στις 29 Δεκεμβρίου 1890. Ο Νικόλας Αγγελίδης γυρίζει πίσω τις σελίδες της ιστορίας και δίνει λεπτομέρειες για το πως οδηγηθήκαμε στο μακελειό. Ο "χ...
Sing-along Songs | 16 Feb. 2024
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
Wandering Music with Kostas Thomaidis | 16 Feb. 2024
A musical journey through melodies, lyrics, and memories that are stuck in our heads.
The Elves of Tradition with Maria Koutsimpiri | 15 Feb. 2024
A regular journey around Greece through traditional melodies and folklore. Featuring archival material, new record releases as well as new recordings from the ERT’s Music Ensembles.
Greek Music Express: Animals in songs – Horses | 15 Feb 2024
From antiquity and the Greek mythology, horses were associated with military might and prestige. However, in Greek music horses also become symbols of speed and dynamism, while also being humans’ faithful friends.  From the Red Horse of Dynameis tou Aigaiou band to the Twelve Horses of Costas Tournas, he...
The breathtaking testimony of a sponge diver | 15 Feb. 2024
Ο Παντελής Γεωργαντής είναι βουτηχτής... Αυτό ξέρει να κάνει από μικρό παιδί. Στην 3η Δημοτικού έκανε την πρώτη του βουτιά με τον πατέρα του. Αυτό ήταν... Ερωτεύτηκε τον βυθό με όλους τους κινδύνους που ελλοχεύουν. Χτυπήθηκε από τη "Νόσο των Σφουγγαράδων", έχασε τον αδερφό του στη θάλασσα αλλά και σήμ...
Sing-along Songs | 15 Feb. 2024
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
Wandering Music with Kostas Thomaidis | 15 Feb. 2024
A musical journey through melodies, lyrics, and memories that are stuck in our heads.
Greek Music Express: Animals in songs – Dogs | 14 Feb 2024
Greece is a dog-friendly country and Greek song has been dog-friendly too! From Foivos Delivorias’ Dog in Kolonaki neighborhood to Stathis Drogosis’ Kanellos, there is a massive list of songs where dogs are the protagonists. And by the way, did you know that Ancient Greeks gave to the world not onl...
The Elves of Tradition with Maria Koutsimpiri | 14 Feb. 2024
A regular journey around Greece through traditional melodies and folklore. Featuring archival material, new record releases as well as new recordings from the ERT’s Music Ensembles.
Sing-along Songs | 14 Feb. 2024
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
Wandering Music with Kostas Thomaidis | 14 Feb. 2024
A musical journey through melodies, lyrics, and memories that are stuck in our heads.
The Elves of Tradition with Maria Koutsimpiri | 13 Feb. 2024
A regular journey around Greece through traditional melodies and folklore. Featuring archival material, new record releases as well as new recordings from the ERT’s Music Ensembles.
Greek Music Express: World Radio Day | 13 Feb 2024
Today, we celebrate World Radio Day with a collection of songs that include references to our favourite medium. UNESCO writes: “For many generations, radio has remained the most far reaching, easily accessible communication medium that informs and entertains all sectors of society. While in some regions i...
Sing-along Songs | 13 Feb. 2024
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
Wandering Music with Kostas Thomaidis | 13 Feb. 2024
A musical journey through melodies, lyrics, and memories that are stuck in our heads.