On Thursday's show, January 16, 2025, after the introduction to current events and the front-page headlines, we spoke with Mr. Giorgos Kouvidis, president of the organization "SOS-Traffic Crimes," following the serious accident involving a 22-year-old victim in Crete. The young man lost his life when...
In the studio of "Voice of Greece," we hosted the award-winning Varvara Athanasiou-Ioannou from Melbourne, founder of the Food For Thought Network (Network of Spiritual Nourishment for Greek Women), who spoke to us about the successful 1st Global Conference "Women and Hellenism" that took place in Ioannina.
In the Friday show on September 20, 2024, we “traveled” to Eresos, Lesvos, to speak with ERT correspondent Myrsini Tzineli about the Women's Festival, a tradition that celebrates its 24th year this year. Right after the headlines, we discussed the political news with Adamo Zachariadis, director of ...
The show featured a telephone interview with Mrs. Georgia Charpantidou, who wrote the book "Flesh and Bones of the Distant Homeland - The History of the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria from Its Founding Until 1972." The book, published in Greek and English by Themelio Publications,...
The show featured Mrs. Maria Bakalidou, Director of the Greek Community Schools of Melbourne, who discussed the schools' initiatives and the efforts made by educators, parents, and students to preserve the Greek identity.
Researcher and emeritus professor of Greek Diaspora History, Anastasios Tamis, from Melbourne, visited the studio of Voice of Greece radio for the first time. He spoke in person about his own migration to Australia and provided a brief overview of the history of Greek migration to all continents except...
The show featured actors Evangelos Arabatzis and Dimitrios (Jim) Koutsoukos from Melbourne, who are second-generation Greeks. They discussed their involvement in acting, their professional careers, and the play ‘Zorba’s Last Dance,’ which is being staged at La Mama Theatre in Melbourne. It’s worth n...
The show hosted the award-winning Greek woman from Australia, Varvara Athanasiou Ioannou, founder of the NGO "Food for thought Network - Spiritual Food Network of Greek Women in Australia" and author of "Her Voice - Greek Women and their friends" and spoke about the 1st Conference "Women and Hellenism"...
Athanasios Tsouchantaris, candidate for the European Parliament with the New Democracy (ND), expatriate businessman and president of the Greek-Australian Chamber of Commerce and former commando of the Greek army, spoke about his personal journey, his vision to see the standard of living of Greeks...
On Friday, May 24, Voice of Greece took us to Melbourne and Sydney, where Hellenism flourishes.
In Sydney, we will met with journalist Themis Kallos, Director of the Greek Program of SBS Public Radio, on the occasion of the award he recently received at the 38th Botsis Foundation Journalism Award...
On Friday, May 24 at 14:00 Athens time, Voice of Greece takes us to Melbourne and Sydney, where Hellenism flourishes.
In Sydney, we will meet with journalist Themis Kallos, Director of the Greek Program of SBS Public Radio, on the occasion of the award he recently received at the 38th Botsis Foundation...
The show hosted Giannis Melachrinoudis, director of the Greek Cultural Centre of Cairo and Simela Stamatopoulou, former president of the Federation of Pontian Associations of Australia and talked about how our expatriates went through the Easter days.
Our Greek expatriate Penny Pavlaki from Australia, soprano – founder of the concerts of Greek artists, was a guest today on "Take Your Time" with Prokopis Angelopoulos, on the occasion of the organization of two concerts dedicated to the legendary Greeks of the 20th century, on Saturday 20 April in S...
On Tuesday, October 25, the CEO of PRONIA, the Greek Diaspora organization of Melbourne, Tina Douvos - Stathopoulos, spoke on the broadcasting program "Faraway words" with Natasa Vissarionos and Giannis - Stelios Tzirvelakis, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Organization.
Guest, on Monday, October 24, 2022, on the "Voice of Greece" was the director and actress from London, Kyriaki Mitsou. The artist spoke on the broadcasting program "Faraway words" with Natasa Vissarionos and Giannis-Stelios Tzirvelakis about her life and work: her "flirtation", as she called it, with...
Ο Κώστας Καλαμαράς είναι μια μοναδική φυσιογνωμία... Γεννημένος στη Μελβούρνη, ερωτεύτηκε το παλιό γνήσιο ρεμπέτικο, το πρωτόπαιξε στην κιθάρα του και μετά στο μπαγλαμαδάκι και το μπουζούκι.
Δημιούργησε ρεμπέτικες ομάδες κατά καιρούς... και γεμίζει τη Μελβούρνη με πολιτισμό με τη σφραγίδα του Κώστα Σκαρβέλη, του...
Καλεσμένη σήμερα Τετάρτη 7 Σεπτεμβρίου στη "Φωνή της Ελλάδας" και στην εκπομπή «Κουβέντες Μακρινές» ήταν η Βαρβάρα Αθανασίου-Ιωάννου, μια γυναίκα με ενεργό δράση στην ελληνική κοινότητα της Αυστραλίας. Γεννήθηκε στην Ελλάδα και ακολούθησε τους γονείς της, οι οποίοι μετανάστευσαν λίγα χρόνια πριν από την...