“The show “”The Voice that Unites Us”” and Gianna Triantafylli are joined by the president of the historical association of Pontians “”Argonautai-Komninoi””, Mr. Theophilos Kastanidis, who after ten years of research shed light on the “”plague purgatories”” that had been operating in Greece since 1922.
Mr. Kastanidis spoke at great length about the purgatory of Makronissos and the upcoming inauguration which is scheduled to take place upon the installation of the monument, in honor of the memory of the refugees of the Pontus, but also as a landmark for them.
The show also features expatriate Amaryllis Vidali, a genetics researcher who has been teaching at renowned universities in Europe for several years.
A lover of music and the radio, she argues that art is a powerful medium for communicating science.”