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The Voice That Unites Us Gianna Triantafylli
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The Voice that Unites Us in the streets of Cairo | 12 Apr. 2024

On Friday, April 12th, at 14:00 Athens time, the show “The Voice that unites us” travels to the streets of Cairo to meet Persa Koumoutsi, writer and award-winning literary translator. Her total work amounts to 45 titles of Arabic literature and 9 personal novels focusing on intercultural dialogue.

The occasion of this radio meeting is her book “On the streets of Cairo” which was inspired by composer Efi Markoulaki who wrote original music for opera, voice and piano and will also be hosted in the studio of Voice of Greece.

What is it that unites all Greeks? Is it music? History? The glimmering blue waters? The answer is simpler than that – it’s their Language.

The Voice that Unites Us” is curated and presented by Gianna Triantafylli

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