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“Our Town” tribute to Giannis Boutaris | 16 Nov. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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“Our Town” tribute to Giannis Boutaris | 16 Nov. 2024

On Saturday, November 16th, 2024, “Our Town” aired a tribute to Giannis Boutaris.

The exceptional and charismatic winemaker marked the era when winemaking developed in Greece, being a pioneer who opened new paths while continuing his family’s proud tradition.

The tribute showcased his many significant activities, his political and activist actions, his relationship with Thessaloniki, where he left a strong imprint both as mayor and as a citizen.

References were made to his relationship with “Arcturos,” of which he was president, and with the Holocaust Museum. Additionally, his involvement with literature, cinema, theater, and philosophy was discussed.

Live guests on the show included his biographer, author Maria Mavrikaki, his close friend and fellow winemaker Angelos Rouvalis, and journalist Nikos Ioannidis.

There was also be a recitation by Grigoris Valtinos, and a performance by Elena Leoni and Vasilis Lekkas, with music by Sakis Papadimitriou.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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