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Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 22 July 2024

On the show of Monday, July 22, 2024, we hosted international relations expert Mr. Petros Tasis to update us on the new developments following Biden’s withdrawal from the race for a second term as U.S. President and the potential emergence of Kamala Harris as Donald Trump’s opponent in the November elections.

Following this, Nadia Giannakopoulou, a candidate for the presidency of PASOK-KINAL, discussed the key political choices she advocates and upon which she will base her bid for the party’s leadership. Journalist and legal expert Antonis Papagiannidis commented on political developments and the American elections in light of these new facts.

In the second hour, before the international news with  Ivana Djordjevic and the sports news with Antigoni Drakatou, we had in the studio Andreas Eleftheriou, one of the resistance fighters during the Cyprus conflict against the Turkish invasion. He recounted his experiences during the battle at Syhari and, subsequently, as a prisoner of the invaders in Turkish prisons for over three months in the summer of 1974.