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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 17 May 2024
Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 17 May 2024

On Friday, May 17, 2024, we contacted the mayor of Paros, Konstantinos Bizas, who talked about the big problem that the island is facing with the housing of public officials when all winter rental houses turn into airbnb’s in the summer, driving both the locally assigned professionals and the visitors to despair.

In the second half hour and after the newspaper headlines, we hosted Voice of Greece journalist Nikos Angelidis, who is running as a candidate with the KKE in the June 9 European elections. He spoke to us about the goals that his party is setting ahead of the elections, the daily impasses of the workers that will be a criterion for their choices at the ballot box and the solutions offered by the KKE, which is asking for their vote.

In the second hour, a guest in the studio was a young actor Christos Zaxarof, starring in the movie “The Big Father” which is currently showing in theatres. He spoke to us about the film and its special theme, his filming experience, his personal journey as an actor, the difficulties he has faced and his future ambitions.

The show ended with the international news from Ivana Djordjevic and sports news with Antigoni Drakatou.

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